Friday, 11 July 2014

Tesco Complaints Phone Number UK

Tesco Complaints Number 0845 340 9745.

Contact Details for Making Complaints to Tesco. The Tesco complaints number can be used with confidence and is checked periodical to make sure you get the fastest connection to a Tesco complaints advisor.

The Tesco customer service department is responsible for handling all the incoming complaints and to revert to the aggrieved customers. It is quite natural that the customer making the complaint would be highly emotional and filled with rage or angst, but it is advisable to be as level-headed as possible at this point of time. An effective complaint letter or call is one that is not laced with abuses and threats, but rather a polite one which exactly points out the problems in a subtle but stern manner.

Tesco Customer Services.
Freepost SCO2298,
Dundee DD1 9NF,

Tesco Complaints Number 0845 340 9745.

About Tesco
Tesco is the world’s second largest multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer, the first being Wal-Mart. Tesco is extremely popular in the UK. In fact, it is the go-to option for grocery buying and for picking up useful household items or items for day-to-day use.

click here tho go to the Tesco website.
Find a Tesco store here.

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